Tonight I slept at Padfak...a bit different the ussual weekend sleep over cause I had borrowed 1/2 dozen of movies to watch with Ain and's the list of film I borrowed....
~Ocean's 11 &12
~The Grudge (Ju-On version omputih)
~Ring 0
~Blade Trinity
~Damer (a life story about a psyco killer)
Me, Ain, Sarah, Chui Pin, Mei Tze and Jo watch The Grudge first....we all had already saw the Japanese version..Heck...I've even seen Ju-On2 ( does have a continuation)...but we just wanna scare our selves...It was really fun...we had enormous fun of screaming...our screams can even be heard at Razis's room (it was far from us)...and he YM Sarah and ask why we were screaming our hads off...of course we gonna scream...when something came crawling out of the atticcovered with blood and make an awfull noise...right???anyway...Sarah didn't watch it till the end...she just went and lie next to Ain and try to sleep with me n Chui Pin screaming....Jo went out halfway also...she just couldn't stand the it was let to me,Ain,Chui Pin and Mei Tze...and we finish it of....(a BIG round of APPLAUSE)...then Ain n Sarah put their beds side to side..can u imagine???so that night the Tolka 3 slept together on 2 beds..hahhaha...and it's all bcoz of JU-ON...
I was to afraid to I went and watch Blade was OK...I like the new guy thought...very charming...hahhaa...have a big day tomorrow...the PPM (persatuan pelajar Melayu/Malay student Assc) will held a BBQ...can't have free food...YAY!!!
Saturday, April 30, 2005
Submarine and Church!!
Today during Russian Class in Padfak, Anactasia (our teacher) suggest we have an excursion to the memorial and church nearby as tomorrow (1st of May) will be the Easter celebration for Chrisrian we went...we were glad to have any excuses to get out of class anyway....we went to the memorial that they built to remember all th losses they had during WWII....since Kursk is one of the infamous war site....and they had this fire thingy going is said that the fire was never put out...and every state in Russia have one...when we were there we saw this memorial thingy with an anchor we asked Anactasia what is that memorial for...The memorial was for the submarine "Kursk" was so sad...since there is this one tomb where the sailor was only 19 years old when he died...I felt so thankful that I can live till this day...It made you feel really mortal after that...and we went to see all the graves with some pictures on them...they really honoured their can see the differents between a soldier's grave and that of the normal civilliant's...
Then we went inside the church..there was a long line of people queing to get inside the church and have a chance to kiss the potrait of the saints...our group just walked in and looked inside...the church was kinda crowded...and its under construction of some kind...scafolding was we didn't spend a lot of time inside...but the artisity of the place was phenomenol....there were a lot of pictures of Saints and Jesus around...not to mention the angel and everything...but it feels kinda weird...cause there's no pews or anything...there's just this wall where a picture and cross were hung and there was places where you can put your candles...
when we went outside on each side of the street of the church people were queing and putting cakes and eggs on benches...Anactasia told us that a Priest will come and blessed the cake with holly water..and the cakes can obly be eaten on Easter day...The russians had been fasting (that is they can't eat dairy products and meat) for a whole week before they gonna have a BIG feast afterwards....after being blessed by the priest..the people will give eggs to the is said that the church will give this eggs to the was really fun to have been uncluded in their culture...
Tini and Fadzil are cooking for my dinner tonight...YUMMY!!! ayam masak!!!
Then we went inside the church..there was a long line of people queing to get inside the church and have a chance to kiss the potrait of the saints...our group just walked in and looked inside...the church was kinda crowded...and its under construction of some kind...scafolding was we didn't spend a lot of time inside...but the artisity of the place was phenomenol....there were a lot of pictures of Saints and Jesus around...not to mention the angel and everything...but it feels kinda weird...cause there's no pews or anything...there's just this wall where a picture and cross were hung and there was places where you can put your candles...
when we went outside on each side of the street of the church people were queing and putting cakes and eggs on benches...Anactasia told us that a Priest will come and blessed the cake with holly water..and the cakes can obly be eaten on Easter day...The russians had been fasting (that is they can't eat dairy products and meat) for a whole week before they gonna have a BIG feast afterwards....after being blessed by the priest..the people will give eggs to the is said that the church will give this eggs to the was really fun to have been uncluded in their culture...
Tini and Fadzil are cooking for my dinner tonight...YUMMY!!! ayam masak!!!
Friday, April 29, 2005
Rose is Rose
Look what I found...I always love this comic strip...and this strip was published on my birthday (27/4)...and I always love the cat...ahaks...

A good end to a bad day...
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Fuck Admin!!!!!
Stupid university's admin...I already gave you the copied for that stupid passport...why did you lost it...FUCK YOU......and you dare to tell me I hadn't gave it to you...If I hadn't this stupid university won't let me study here BITCH!!!! You guys SUCKS....wish y'all can go back to where you came from...HELL!!!!!
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Long Distance Call and zZzZzZz
I am so sleepy...I need to study bio...but I can't seem to stay awake...guess have to wake up early (where have I heard that before)..Help anyone??who got variants??Kong does..but he haven't sent mine yet...haiya...bistra Konga....ahaks
Made some long distance call back home...miss my family so much...such confort in knowing that I don't have to remind them about my birthday..but then have to thanks Ika for reminding Ayah...ahaks...get to talk to my uncles..miss them coz they manja me so much...and one of them is getting married and I'm not gonna be there...AGAIN...this is what happen to people who stayed in hostels their entire teen years...broke down when I talked to my grandma...she is the one I trully missed..all those small thing she did...she's recovering from internal bledding now...hope you're doing great Nenek...Got a lot of lecturing from Ayah on how I should grow up and take more responsibility for myself..bla..bla..bla....basically all those things parents talked about...but he did say he misses u know Ayah...Also got time to talk to usuall...all the same syarahan.... I do think that my parents didn't change notes before talking to me....cause they keep repeating the same thing...No what birthday present I want from them right in my account..or a ticket back to Malaysia....bestnye....
Made some long distance call back home...miss my family so much...such confort in knowing that I don't have to remind them about my birthday..but then have to thanks Ika for reminding Ayah...ahaks...get to talk to my uncles..miss them coz they manja me so much...and one of them is getting married and I'm not gonna be there...AGAIN...this is what happen to people who stayed in hostels their entire teen years...broke down when I talked to my grandma...she is the one I trully missed..all those small thing she did...she's recovering from internal bledding now...hope you're doing great Nenek...Got a lot of lecturing from Ayah on how I should grow up and take more responsibility for myself..bla..bla..bla....basically all those things parents talked about...but he did say he misses u know Ayah...Also got time to talk to usuall...all the same syarahan.... I do think that my parents didn't change notes before talking to me....cause they keep repeating the same thing...No what birthday present I want from them right in my account..or a ticket back to Malaysia....bestnye....
Mou Den Rashdidinian
AHAKS...Its my birthday..I've turned 20 last night....YEA!!! should I be jumping up n down and do a little jiggy as I celebrate me being older????hmmm...Hell Yeah!!!!!Do I feel any different????Nope...same old same old....should I become more mature now that I'm 20??? NO!! why should I...I like myself the way I am thank you very much..but then I do think I have to grow up a friends are getting pretty anoyed at me n my childish side...not my fault...honestly...I got some split personality disorder going its not really my fault..It's Delilah fault...HAHAHAHAHA (Delilah: It is so not my fault...she did it all by herself...I'm the mature one..not her...Perasan mature..HAH!!)
Last night was quite fun....we had dinner first...just me, Ain, Sarah, Fadzil, Elyssa, Chui Pin and Mei Tze....the dinner was great coz for the first time in almost 5 months I got to eat beef again...YUMMY...we had steak....I marinated for a whole night...and Sarah cooked for all of us and did the sauce to with the mashed potato too..ochin vekusna...Ain sponsored the mashed potato...Mei Tze and Chui Pin did the salad...Fadzil and I sponsored the beef....we eat till we almost throw up..imagine people...4kg of beef were gone that night...It was superb...the consequence was that Ain and Sarah got major headache afterward...After the dinner Fadzil made some tea (rela paksa kan???)then I watched a movie with Ain (the notebook...such sweet story...but haven't finished yet)then Razis come to talk to Sarah but Sarah was already asleep..then he asked to see Ain....and he blabed for awhile..then in come Fadzil with the birthday cake....not to mention with 2 candle on top...then everyone did the ussual...wishes...hugges....n eating...hahahha...I was quite embarassed when they came in like I said..I'm a shy gurl....but everything went smoothly....well...almost everything....but its ok...and we all had great fun...accept for Sarah...coz she couldn't wake up...HAHAHA!!!...poor thing
Just wanna say...THANKS A LOT you know who you are...specially to Group 9 (Ain, Sarah, Fadzil, Lyn, Razis, Chui Pin, Mei Tze, Hir, and Kong{though u didn't wish me yet....still waiting})...and all the people in PADFAK....tanks guys and gurls....LUV y'all
Last night was quite fun....we had dinner first...just me, Ain, Sarah, Fadzil, Elyssa, Chui Pin and Mei Tze....the dinner was great coz for the first time in almost 5 months I got to eat beef again...YUMMY...we had steak....I marinated for a whole night...and Sarah cooked for all of us and did the sauce to with the mashed potato too..ochin vekusna...Ain sponsored the mashed potato...Mei Tze and Chui Pin did the salad...Fadzil and I sponsored the beef....we eat till we almost throw up..imagine people...4kg of beef were gone that night...It was superb...the consequence was that Ain and Sarah got major headache afterward...After the dinner Fadzil made some tea (rela paksa kan???)then I watched a movie with Ain (the notebook...such sweet story...but haven't finished yet)then Razis come to talk to Sarah but Sarah was already asleep..then he asked to see Ain....and he blabed for awhile..then in come Fadzil with the birthday cake....not to mention with 2 candle on top...then everyone did the ussual...wishes...hugges....n eating...hahahha...I was quite embarassed when they came in like I said..I'm a shy gurl....but everything went smoothly....well...almost everything....but its ok...and we all had great fun...accept for Sarah...coz she couldn't wake up...HAHAHA!!!...poor thing
Just wanna say...THANKS A LOT you know who you are...specially to Group 9 (Ain, Sarah, Fadzil, Lyn, Razis, Chui Pin, Mei Tze, Hir, and Kong{though u didn't wish me yet....still waiting})...and all the people in PADFAK....tanks guys and gurls....LUV y'all
Saturday, April 23, 2005
Women Vs. Men
Yes = No
No = Yes
Maybe = No
We need = I want
I am sorry = You'll be sorry
We need to talk = I need to complain
Sure, go ahead = Don't even think about it
Do what you want = You'll pay for this later
I am not upset = Of course I am upset, you moron!
Are you listening to me? = Too late, you're dead
You have to learn to communicate = Just agree with me
Be romantic, turn out the lights = I have flabby thighs
You're so manly = You need a shave and you sweat a lot
Do you love me? = I am going to ask for something expensive
It's your decision = The correct decision should be obvious by now
You're certainly attentive tonight = Is sex all you ever think about?
I'll be ready in a minute = Kick off your shoes and find a good game on TV
How much do you love me? = I did something today that you're really not going to like
I am hungry = I am hungry
I am sleepy = I am sleepy
I am tired = I am tired
Nice dress = Nice cleavage
I love you = Let's have sex now
I am bored = Do you want to have sex?
What's wrong? = I guess sex is out of the question
May I have this dance? = I'd like to have sex with you
Can I call you sometime? = I'd like to have sex with you
Do you want to go to a movie? = I'd like to have sex with you
Can I take you out to dinner? = I'd like to have sex with you
Will you marry me? = I want to make it illegal for other men to have sex with you
You look tense, let me give you a massage = I want to have sex with you within the next 3 mins
Let's talk = I am trying to impress you by showing that I am a deep person and then I'd like to have sex with you
I don't think those shoes go with that outfit = I'm gay
Yes = No
No = Yes
Maybe = No
We need = I want
I am sorry = You'll be sorry
We need to talk = I need to complain
Sure, go ahead = Don't even think about it
Do what you want = You'll pay for this later
I am not upset = Of course I am upset, you moron!
Are you listening to me? = Too late, you're dead
You have to learn to communicate = Just agree with me
Be romantic, turn out the lights = I have flabby thighs
You're so manly = You need a shave and you sweat a lot
Do you love me? = I am going to ask for something expensive
It's your decision = The correct decision should be obvious by now
You're certainly attentive tonight = Is sex all you ever think about?
I'll be ready in a minute = Kick off your shoes and find a good game on TV
How much do you love me? = I did something today that you're really not going to like
I am hungry = I am hungry
I am sleepy = I am sleepy
I am tired = I am tired
Nice dress = Nice cleavage
I love you = Let's have sex now
I am bored = Do you want to have sex?
What's wrong? = I guess sex is out of the question
May I have this dance? = I'd like to have sex with you
Can I call you sometime? = I'd like to have sex with you
Do you want to go to a movie? = I'd like to have sex with you
Can I take you out to dinner? = I'd like to have sex with you
Will you marry me? = I want to make it illegal for other men to have sex with you
You look tense, let me give you a massage = I want to have sex with you within the next 3 mins
Let's talk = I am trying to impress you by showing that I am a deep person and then I'd like to have sex with you
I don't think those shoes go with that outfit = I'm gay
Maya Simya....
When browsing thru friendster just now and came up to my lil bro page....My..My...How he had grew....Suddenly there's a different side of him that I saw for a first time...He had always been the matured sibling...Responsible..Good...All those stuff...He really had grown in a way I can't describe....I miss seeing him changed....I missed a lot!!!
Suddenly I was hit by a pang of homesick...ME??Dla...who had lived a hostel life for 6 years???Guess I am still human...What do you expect when you seperated them from their family???But then...I'll be a lot luckier than my peirs in the UK or what not...since they can come back to Malaysia not as often as I can...It's not often la...I get only to come back only once a year....I so miss Ieki...he must be getting cuter...and running his mouth all over the place...hahahaha...I do need time to reminance on all the time I wished my family would leave me more!!! No worries...tomorrow Dad will be home...and I promise to can't wait to hear you guys MUAKSSSSS
Suddenly I was hit by a pang of homesick...ME??Dla...who had lived a hostel life for 6 years???Guess I am still human...What do you expect when you seperated them from their family???But then...I'll be a lot luckier than my peirs in the UK or what not...since they can come back to Malaysia not as often as I can...It's not often la...I get only to come back only once a year....I so miss Ieki...he must be getting cuter...and running his mouth all over the place...hahahaha...I do need time to reminance on all the time I wished my family would leave me more!!! No worries...tomorrow Dad will be home...and I promise to can't wait to hear you guys MUAKSSSSS
Friday, April 22, 2005
Rats and fishy smell
I dunno why this week have been my laziest and unfortunate week as yet.....Yesterday I was forced to go to Physic class by my Russian teacher (Anastasia) literally ...I was ascorted to the class by her...URGHHH...I hate being force to do something I don't like...and I really DON'T LIKE Physic...stupid subject...
And today is worsed.....My lan wire was cut....I dunno who done it....Something smell very fishy...coz the wire was cut by knife...that I am really sure...One don't need to be a CSI (miss that show so much) agent to know it....but then I guess if there was a RAT that is so big that it can swallow up almost 20cm of wire and spit it out back again...then it might not be someone's doing....Yeah right!!!!
I wasn't in my room last night...make that almost the whole day...I went to sleep at Padfak with the excuse to study Anat...HAH...but I did study Biophysic (got 4- on the test..YEA!!!)....for that achievment I would like to thanks Sarah for lending her desk and iMac....and Ain for playing the SIM2...if not I wouldn't have study...Thanks gurls....
p.s://who know a good detective???I need to investigate a mystery....
And today is worsed.....My lan wire was cut....I dunno who done it....Something smell very fishy...coz the wire was cut by knife...that I am really sure...One don't need to be a CSI (miss that show so much) agent to know it....but then I guess if there was a RAT that is so big that it can swallow up almost 20cm of wire and spit it out back again...then it might not be someone's doing....Yeah right!!!!
I wasn't in my room last night...make that almost the whole day...I went to sleep at Padfak with the excuse to study Anat...HAH...but I did study Biophysic (got 4- on the test..YEA!!!)....for that achievment I would like to thanks Sarah for lending her desk and iMac....and Ain for playing the SIM2...if not I wouldn't have study...Thanks gurls....
p.s://who know a good detective???I need to investigate a mystery....
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
KIASU!!!!! Go to Hell you guys...
I'm so MAD....some people in this world are so KIASU (selfish in a very..very BAD way).. I just took my Anatomy major on Monday..I already planed to fail the damned thing anyway coz I haven't study anything yet..but then I just read this book on the possible question that will come up during the major control...and that's it...with my knowledge of only those question I went and took the test...I guess I was very lucky...coz today I just got tback the result..I got 3....5 being the highest...not bad right...specially since I haven't study n anything...Guess if I study I would get better marks....
After the test and all did me n my friends knew that there were VARIANTS (a copy of the exact question thats going to come out) flying around...the only problem??? no body told us....they kept ot a secret...and the ironic thing is that Sarah's bro Farhan was the one of the first person with the variant but somebody borrowed it from him and didn't return it....It"s so selfish of them...the variants were acctually given by the lecturer to help the students....they shouldn't keep it to themselves...URGHHH!!!if they acted like that..then why should I share my variants with them also....
The best part is that the people who got the variants got the same mark as me...1 even failed...showed that if ur played with me n my friends ur gonna get your face...
Ending on a happy BIRTHDAY will be coming up in one week time..Hmmm...have to think what kind of present to asked from Fadzil, Ain n Sarah (its a pack we have)....Later then ....CIAO!!!!
After the test and all did me n my friends knew that there were VARIANTS (a copy of the exact question thats going to come out) flying around...the only problem??? no body told us....they kept ot a secret...and the ironic thing is that Sarah's bro Farhan was the one of the first person with the variant but somebody borrowed it from him and didn't return it....It"s so selfish of them...the variants were acctually given by the lecturer to help the students....they shouldn't keep it to themselves...URGHHH!!!if they acted like that..then why should I share my variants with them also....
The best part is that the people who got the variants got the same mark as me...1 even failed...showed that if ur played with me n my friends ur gonna get your face...
Ending on a happy BIRTHDAY will be coming up in one week time..Hmmm...have to think what kind of present to asked from Fadzil, Ain n Sarah (its a pack we have)....Later then ....CIAO!!!!
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Moscow and Back again!!!
The trip to Moscow was very tiring...but the mission was accomplished...welll..almost neway...I did got my temp pass port but then the valid date is only untill 14th April...and guess when's my flight back to Malaysia is???yup...later than that...My flight back is on the 17th April....Stupid rite....So I have to go back to Moscow on May to renew it again...bit no worries..since by that time the spring SALE is already I'll probably go shopping also...YEA!!! I'm so tired....I didn't got a wink of sleep during the ride back to Kursk...the Cabin was bloody HOT...Thanks goddness my Organic Chem lecturer didn't mind I skip class...(I asked her permission ok...) Slept for awile then went down and eat with Fadzil n Raziz...then went to Padfak and played my SIM2 at Ain's new comp...Tanks girl....Need more sleep...CIAO!!!
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
THANK GOD!!!! My passport was stolen from me when I got back from Moscow on my winter hols.... When i was in the taxi heading back to my hostel, I saw that my handbag was half-open...when I reached back at PADFAK (my friends hostel...I was staying there for the whole entire hols) I searched thru my stuff n notice it was gone...I wasn't going to panic coz i don't want the hassle n all those stuff...neway a few weeks back I needed to use my passport number to change my flight ticket...that was when I started I went up and down the visa department to seetle this...I had to go to the Police Station to make my report...then go back to the Visa Department...n coz my schedule was so packed I only got the time to go back today..(I submited my report on the 8th of April)..then I have to go to my Vice-Dean to get his permission so I can go to Moscow...But the STUPID V-D asked me to go to the International Department first coz he don't know what to do...So I went there..N lo' n behold...I was asked to get the signature from my V-D..Like I said STUPID ...But finally I got my permision...If not....GRRRRR....
Moving on to better news...I talked to the Malaysian Embassy ppl just after that...My God..what a treat...just to speak Malay to another Malaysian...and then giving Salam...before n after talking on the phone...WAAAAA!!!...I miss Malaysia so much....Wanna go home...neway the guy there..Encik Saiful...was really nice....cara dia cakap cam my dad...isk..isk...homesick la plak...he was being so friendly...but then he is a diplomat...if you're not diplomatic what's the point rite??? and 1 more thing...he even proposed a business deal with me concerning flight much fun is I'll be going to Moscow this Friday...There seem to be a little problem concerning the trip...tell you guys later...
Moving on to better news...I talked to the Malaysian Embassy ppl just after that...My God..what a treat...just to speak Malay to another Malaysian...and then giving Salam...before n after talking on the phone...WAAAAA!!!...I miss Malaysia so much....Wanna go home...neway the guy there..Encik Saiful...was really nice....cara dia cakap cam my dad...isk..isk...homesick la plak...he was being so friendly...but then he is a diplomat...if you're not diplomatic what's the point rite??? and 1 more thing...he even proposed a business deal with me concerning flight much fun is I'll be going to Moscow this Friday...There seem to be a little problem concerning the trip...tell you guys later...
Monday, April 11, 2005
Rough week ahead
Its gonna be a LONG...LONG week up ahead...I'll have three..yes THREE major control this coming week...and it start from Monday (General Chemistry), Tuesday (Histology) and Wednesday (Anatomy)...see..I'm gonna DIE...
Lets just hope that Anatomy will get postponed (crosses finger)...and I don't think I'll be doing my Chem just yet since I have to take one more test...and for Histo..lets just hope I understand all thos confusing terms (thank god for Latin)...That's another thing...Tuesday is jamed pack with other subject...Latin, Math, Lecture, then the end of the day..I feel so damned tired I just wanna sleep...
Sarah having some probs with a stalker to her know when your famous wen someone is out stalking you...Chill rite almost know who that person is rite??don't worry..he won't be bothering you no more...since you got your faithfull dog at your heals..WOOF..WOOF...
Lets just hope that Anatomy will get postponed (crosses finger)...and I don't think I'll be doing my Chem just yet since I have to take one more test...and for Histo..lets just hope I understand all thos confusing terms (thank god for Latin)...That's another thing...Tuesday is jamed pack with other subject...Latin, Math, Lecture, then the end of the day..I feel so damned tired I just wanna sleep...
Sarah having some probs with a stalker to her know when your famous wen someone is out stalking you...Chill rite almost know who that person is rite??don't worry..he won't be bothering you no more...since you got your faithfull dog at your heals..WOOF..WOOF...
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Hmmm...what on earth was I thinking when I created this monster....maybe I was high on something...neway this is what happen when your friends influence their blogging to I have a blog and I don't know what to do with it....I really do need help in establishing my new blog (hahaha..feel funny..I have my own blog)...I was one of those ppl who was saying I will never do this blogging stuff...don't this ppl have anything better to do...bla..bla..bla...HAH!! now look what happen...
neway this will be a good thing for my friends back in MALAYSIA..yeah..yeah..I know you guys miss me guys been bugging me to tell you how my life over here feels like rite??so here it's out in the open..Not all anyway...I thinks thats enough for my 1st blog entry...see you guys later then...
neway this will be a good thing for my friends back in MALAYSIA..yeah..yeah..I know you guys miss me guys been bugging me to tell you how my life over here feels like rite??so here it's out in the open..Not all anyway...I thinks thats enough for my 1st blog entry...see you guys later then...
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