Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Full House

My whole sibbling had come home for the school holiday....first it was Ana on Friday...Faiz on Saturday and Faris on Sunday....and now we're only waiting for Ayah to come home from Kuching on Friday...then the house will be full again....It's good clean fun when we are all together...it's just that sometime it's get to noisy....what's with Fikri running amok trying to get all of our attention....Faris trying to turn the channel to watch the football match..me trying to watch MTV..my mom trying to watch Travel and discovery.....Whew...it's tyring....it's better to be with the books....ahhh...love them...without my whole faily trying to hog the TV..I can't even finish reading a whole book in one day...a fact that disstress me a whole lot...I wanna read some more..maybe I'll go out tomorrow.....

1 comment:

dla said...

thanks for the kind words...but I had to laugh at my own blog coz it is SOOO simple....