Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Pediculus Capitis

Woke up late for Psycho....arrive late but the teacher let me enter anyway...after finishing class, we went to see Mdm.Anastasia....she asked us to go and see the Padfak department so as to get out Padfak certificate..anyway I had planned to go to the Terapev (Uni's clinic) to get my Spravka for the 3 days I was absent..when I went there with Kak hir they asked to see our hair...why??? cause there is supposedly an outbreak of hair lice(pediculus capitis)...since they already pull out a list from god know where me and kak hir just had to do it...and of course the result turn out negative....
But I was just wondering where did all this thing started...Kak farhana told me that if you got dandruff that's good news since the lice won't go to your it true???no one knows since my last experience with head lice was when I was in Primary school....wonder who started the outbreak...but from what we can understand from the doctors there were no Malaysian case as yet....

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