Monday, March 24, 2008

so long........

Hmmm....haven;t blog for so long. when I look back at all the post I posted, I was like..WOW!! A lot have changed from those time. So it's been like 2 years since my last post. What have I been up to?? Well I've finish my most harrowing year (3rd year) in medical school. Well since I haven't finish yet, we'll see if there's more to come. Now in 4th year and doing pretty good (well as well as I can hope for). At least now I usually finish class by it's not that bad. and furthermore we got to see a lot more patient. This is because in this country, from 4th till 6th year the student will basically study 1 specialty for usually per you have to study the same subject over and over and over again for the whole week..Hey I'm not complaining when it's therapy (internal medicine in other parts of the world), but when you have to face social medicine.....ARGH!!!thank god I don't have any bald spot (yaiks)

Ok I guess that about all the rambling I can produce right now. I am so envious of Alish's house (my brother). I want an apartment like that when I study too. But since he's in Aussie rite now.Welll.... Damn it..

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