Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Across the ocean

Well my journey from Malaysia to Kursk was very intresting...The journey from KLIA was eventfull since I saw that my former roomate (and my mortal enemy) was going on the same plane as I did...but then I had the time to point out to my parents that that was her and her parents and Ieki send me off since my flight was on 0745...Ieki was crancky since he was awaken so early in the morning....I met up with Lyn first and then Ain to check in..good thinking..since we got our seat next to each hand luggage was being taken into the baggage claim..and now it is lost...sigh....I do hope my parents won't find out (plz don;t watch this blog Ayah) coz I'm trying to sort it all on my own....

Anyway...the transit in Doha was uneventfull except that I met with this lovely old man who used to leave in Indonesia and is going back to Germany..he was so sweet and trying to talk to me in Bahasa..and we left him at Doha when our flight arrived first....The flight from Doha wasn't as comforatble since there's this two Russian who sat behind us and started drinking and talking loudly..but the movie was good.Hitch...and there's this documentry that I wanted to warch called "Around the world in 80 treasures" I really wanted to watch it but had been starting to developed a headache from the noise behind me..when I popped in the panadol the stewardess gave me I was tottaly zonked..I think I watch untill the 5th treasure....hehehehe....

and when we land in Domodinovo Airport we were taking our lagguge(sp??) from the overhead storage thing when Ain said "Spasiba" to this Russian who was helping her..then he said "Sama-sama"..Lo and behold..thar guy could talked in Malay....and we had a conversation that sounded like a "How to talk in Malay" kind of was hilarious...we were saying everything in Baku....He said he already lived in Malaysia for 12 Years....and he was doing his PhD in UIA..I was very impress...but seeing that Malay is a very easy language..I'm not surprise if he can speak it if he just stayed there a whole year....

From the airport we took mushroot (a kinda van) for the 300++km back to back and butt ached from all those jostling around in that van..and it took us almost 9 hours to reached Kursk...And when we reached Kursk at 9, I started unpacking and sorting my stuff out...and I went to my first class at 2pm the very same day.....It was pretty much interesting...till latere then

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