Thursday, May 05, 2005


Don't you just hated when someone uses this new technologies to piss you off...eventhought you haven't done anything wrong to them????I mean what the hell were you thinking???Did I do something to you...I don't think so...How sure am I???ask around...I don't have time to play with the bloody c**ks**ker...I rather spend my time studying thank you very much...why am I so UPSET??? here's the story...

I just knew that there's this one JERK that have taken my picture with my friend...meddle with it and posted it on our network setting...I mean how lame was that...He didn't do any of those porn stuff...but it was still humiliating cause I was associated with this girl who was "infamous"...not my cup of tea....

Now tell me I shouldn't be PISSED OFF...haha...I remember the messenger's (the guy who told me what happen) face when I reacted..he couldn't get out of Tasha's room fast enough...I think he knew what the term "killing the messenger" really mean...I was so angry...Trully I didn't do anything to that JERK...come on..why should I spend my precious time on such a LOW LIFE....I know I can't put all what I say in my heart in here (u never know if there's children around..hehe..) I wanna kill that mutha fucka...opppss...

But 1 thing that is good 'bout this was that all of my friends back me up....they knew that the CRAZY, MUTHA FUCKA, S.O.B was psycho..I mean he'll do anything just to piss people off...and more ever I have friends...and YOU, JERK don't!!!!..

~~~~~nuff said~~~~~~~~


Anonymous said...

no one is allowed to make you feel down mah fren. he doesn't deserve your attention. it's not like he's the king of the bike or something. all i can say is, it's either you let him fuck his own face, or you going to fuck along with him. totALLY your own choice girl.

dla said...

I know he's fucking his own face...n i really don't wanna join's just that sometime...he make me feel so mad...n i ain't done nothing..but ur rite..should let him fuck himself for all I care...