Tuesday, January 03, 2006


No it's not some brand name or nothing...just my friend....Marissa Masri..why the 3M....cause we always put Mercedez behind her name....hahahaha...

You know how every class have this one person that can talk non-stop, and being really nasty and bitchy...well my class have 2..or is it 3..or 4...well anyway...Marissa is one of them...(hehehe...you know it's a complimant rite Marissa)...she's the one yg slalu angkat bakul sendiri...but she have a real good heart....and she's a great friend...

Marissa was my classmate during my Jasin days..and today I had the chance to chat up with her...she doesn't seem to change one bit...but then I haven't met her for almost 6 months now...She is now studying at the very exclusive Royal College of Surgeon in Ireland (RCSI)...*standing ovation*...maybe if I had time next year I will go and visit her...we'll see how...

Misses her chattering....the chat session ended when she have to go to study (still thenerd underneath rite??)but with all the exam coming up for her...I will be doing some serious studying too....hearing her subjects make me thankful that I had a very easy sailing 1st sem...a sem without any exam...she got like 5-6 exam n some subject that I only touch this year....there are 2 ways to study medicine that I know off...1 is like ours where we study by subject ; Physiology, Pharmaco, Surgery, Anatomy, Histology, etc....the 2nd one is you study by part of the bodies..for instance ; lower limb, abdomen, thoracic cavity, etc....and then you'll be studying everything about that part of the body; biochem, physiology, histology, anatomy, etc... all at the same time...I'm not sure wether my views are correct or not....but the second one sounded vicious.....

Burr..thinking about all this thing makes me think about Anatomy and Histology exam coming up in like 2 more weeks...AHHHH!!!...~freaking out time~...i really should freak out and go study..ok..I try to study tomorrow....I try study at night...when I couldn't sleep..so I will have enough sleep in the morning since it's the hols and everything....

YEA!! GAMBATE dla....let's go!!!

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