Monday, January 02, 2006

the circus is coming to town!!!

So last Friday after finishing class (which ended badly because the teacher wouldn't sign our credit book..sigh) anyway me and Kak Hir had planned to go to the circus for we decided to go there that day.....

The circus we went this year is much BETTER than the one we went last year because of a number of reasons
- lots more cute animal (thought these animal should be free but they're so darn cute)
- the jokes aren't stupid
- the peoples are pretty great

There were bears, wolves, snakes, crocodiles, cheetas, spiderman, the green goblin, father christmas..and lots more....the circus was pretty much oriented for children and me and Kak Hir had enjoyed ourselves emiersly...I even took pictures with the snake and crocodiles..always wanted to feel the snakes....

The intriguing part of the whole experience is that my Russian is pretty bad...but I get most of the jokes...the clown are pretty funny..and I also notice that the silent joke are pretty much universal...I mean you can get it eventhought you don't understand the language...and I do think that Charlie Chaplin is a great man because of what he did... remind me of a song that J-Five (not J from the group 5ive) did on him to remember his contributon to the great's a snipet..

Modern Time (J-Five feat. Charlie Chaplin)
And it's a Talent most people should learn,
How to Make you laugh without saying a word,
People have to yell nowadays to get heard,
But Charlie was a man and that man could turn,
Serious, into delirious, he had A myriad of ways to paint a smile,
and Every woman in the house went, oh
If they wanted to act, they better act on cue so
He hicked the game go figure
Had no time for gold diggers
The Mack daddy of the 1930's,
I'm Kicking back on the couch watching modern times
One more time Rise 'em up
Hold that thought I got a vision,
it's intense I want a globe I can bounce off of people's heads
And when the earth starts shaking, people will commence
In a laughter, without one word being said
Does anybody here want to hear my voice
Or is silence the golden choice
{au Refrain}

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