Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Saw1....now 2

I just watched SAW 2....It was as great as watching SAW 1...I knew that it will basiclly follow the same game plan as SAW 1..so I tried listening as close as possible to all the dialogues in the story..but still tthe surprises keep popping up..it was damned good...I think it's gonna be a classic like Silence of the lamb...let's just hope people don't over do the movie....

While I was looking up at the SAW 2 site..I was wondering who directed the first SAW....so I had it google...Lo..and behold...It was James Wan...and he's a MALAYSIAN...hahahaha...It's just like any Malaysian to jump into someone's wagon when there's a remote chance that they have Malaysian blood in their veins (remember Guy Sebastian)...

Anyway SAW 2 was really great...they even go back to the bathroom set of SAW 1...I mean how many movies acttualy uses that technique....the movie was unique....so I just can't wait to see SAW 3 seeing that James Wan will be co-producing it...I hope there will be a lot of blood

Oh yes....There will be blood!!!!!!

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