Sunday, October 09, 2005

Nasi lemak

Yummmmm...had a wonderful "buka puasa" in Padfak yesterday...Masak nasi lemak Kursk style.....but poor Lyn...she lost her purse to a pickpocket...but then as friends we'll do our best to cheer her up....

So the 5 of us (Ain, Lyn, Fadzil, Razis n me) plan to break our fast together...Razis did the nasi lemak...ain buat sambal belacan udang (droollll)...Lyn help with the 'ikan bilis'....I made 'Lala masak cili' (mussles in chilies)we had over 6 pots of rice in the rice cooker...and of course the eggs (mata kerbau, 1/2 done)...sedap gile....lyn pun lupa trus psl masalah die kejap...anyway I had a stomach ache that night...not from the food but from all the hilarious jokes n stories from that night....auchh.....

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