Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Wedding Bells

Yesterday was stupid....after finishing my CC session I went to university to do some xerox for biochem lecture notes...at the xerox machine while I waited for my notes to finish 1 Arab guy n his friend (don't know wether arab or Russian) came and start concersing in Russian..So I didn't paid any attention to them..then suddenly this Arab guy whispered in his friend's ear..then the other guy called out a name "Ahmad"...the thing is that name is for a person that I had had a crush on...everyone in my group knows, n also some of my other friends (great dla now everybody knows)....the thing is I never thought anybody from his circle knew about it...If this people knew does that mean that he knew too????ARGH!!!!!.....I was so 'cuak' after hearing the name...but I become more scared that they started to converse in English (I was the only foreigners around there) and start talking about this chick in association with Ahmad....I didn't look up and run after that...I couldn't face it....

That night I told Farhana (my roomate) about the incident...she told me that a few weeks back a story had been circulating about Ahmad...It seems that he had gotten married to a Euro chick....but nobodies know from which country.....there goes another happy ending in the chapter of my life....


Anonymous said...

argh tidak!!! dia dah kawin? nak tau la mamat arab mana yg kaki gosip ni.

dla said...

hahahaha...not surprising kalo mat bara ko yg kaki gosip...kekekekeke

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