Wednesday, October 26, 2005

what to write???

I wanna write about a lot of things..but sitting in front of the comp now in the CC building in my university...I don't have the faintest idea what to talk about...I really should fix my laptop conection..I sound dumb right least with the net by my bedside I could let all the fabolous(in my dream) thought in my head be shared with the whole world...ahaks

went to Farah's blog just layout n cool new poems....wish I had the time and..well basicly just the TIME to do all that and renovate my own blog...well patom..patom, sup skatom...

Faiz(my bro) msg me and told me that Umi had bought a Gen2...of all the cars...sigh...guess my dad JUST HAD to agree with her...


KyleWorthington said...

Hey there!

Hmph...byknyer org kc spam...!! But hey, thanks for the compliment!

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