Sunday, November 27, 2005


A new peoples....the same dance??? well it won't be the SAME dance actually....anyway here's how the story goes

Last week Ain asked me wether I would like to take part in the peformance for the Ambassador meeting...I asked what dance...she said it will be Asmaradana..the one we did last year for Depa-Raya...I said wellll, why not....but not all the original cast will be joining us....The first rehearsel was done in K.Dayah's room....those who will dance is me, Ain, Lyn, Shira, Bibi and Ain (Amir's lil sister)..anyway bothe the new comer was great and catch up the dance move very for me..there were some blunder as I got a bit (Alright...a LOT) rusty since there wern't much dancing or exercise..hehehehe..but it was really fun....

I think we rehearse for 4 hours....and then that night...I reformat my laptop...finally!!!....and now I'm trying to install codecs and utilities inside..the problem keep coming from say's that there is a audio codec that is not install..will try and fix it later tonight...but I'm so dogone tired now....I woke too early for Sunday morning (well for my standard anyway since I slept at 6am) for practise session....Ain and Lyn was late..overslept...sigh...bestnye....and then we practise for almost 6 hours...I'm so tired and my body ache...I can't lift my bicep muscle(hahahaha...konon terror anat)....and then I had an urge to do a spring I vacumed the room and reorganize my things....but everything work out OK I guess...

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