Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Conspiracy my ass!!!!

OK...here's the thing I don't understand when any tragedy happen...there's always someone wh can think of a great conspiracy story that just wouldn't add up......

So here's the thing....I heard from somebody (doesn't it always start like this) that there was an anoymous letter that was faxed to do uni's admin saying that Vicky's room was always loud n disturbing ppl..bla..bla..bla....and that they (the people who i writing this letter) were afraid that someone might burn Vicky's room.....and then there was the story that the fire was so big it couldn't just started from a small ciggie or short-circuit....It look like some one had douse the whole room with Carosine or something.......

Stupid isn't it....I mean it is so far fetched...do you honestly think that anyone want to burn a room down just becaue they make a lot of noises????come on people atleast make up a good one.......

1 comment:

KyleWorthington said...

It's stupid