Saturday, November 05, 2005

a blazing tragedy

The third day of raya went out with a hostel was on top it was near my friend's room where I ussually hang out....It was scary since I was just there a few hours back.....the fire started around 10-11 pm...Thank God I was in my room n Farhana (my roomate) went back to tell me about the fire.....the whole hostel was evacuated...when I get out (I only had the time to grab a jumper n wear my slipper) we went to the side of the hostel and see that the fire was blazing out of the room....I was so scared at the time....didn't even feel the chill at that time....not to mention that there were pieces of something bursting and landed on the ground....the firefighter took their own sweet tome to do everything.....after a while my feet cann't feel anything since it was preety cold outside (nearing 3 I think) we were the herded to the front of the hostel...then to the Latin building before we were able to get back room was dark since they cut the circuit around the unit.....we are still wondering what started the fire....

Today when I had a looked at Tasha's room it was horrible...all the paneling which was done by plastic is melted...their room is blacken (not a surprise since we can see smoke coming out of their window during the fire)...but nothing was burn badly in their room...just the smjoke n Jelaga.....but their bathroom was totaly in ruin.....Ecstasy (their cat) died in the fire..I think it was the only casualty.....I sometime imagine what will happen if I was the one there that night...the plan was that Tasha n Sarah will leave the room n I will room-sit the room...that would mean that I will be all alone that night when the fire happen.....I just Thank ALLAH that they were there and everything was OK......Tasha n Sarah was temporary moved to 1st hostel....we're doing everything we can di to help them.....

Ok you listen to what happen it's the time for me to voice out something that disturb me.....the hostel admin just install new smoke detector.....none of us..I repeat NONE of the student heard the bloody thing blast off...not even a beep came out from the blasted thing....what the hell was that thing there for then if not to warn us...people inside the building that the were fire in the building...then another thing is the fire extuingisher (sp??)...some of my friends who were one of the first on the scene tried to put out the fire but the damn thing just puff out 2 time n koing already...what the hell...isn't the fire department suppose to checked the damned thing every year......and another thing is there's no damn(sorry bout the curses but I'm just so angry..and this is better than other 4 letter curse words) emergency light in the stair..I mean we climb up to our room in darkness....there should be emergency light so it can guide us when for instance there's no light durinng the emergency...stupid russian....ani ochen gluupi..


KyleWorthington said...

OMG!!! What the heck? I'm kinda speechless ryte now, so don't expect me to give a brilliant comment -- all I know is that THANK GOD that you're safe!! Did you know what started the fire yet? And yeah...poor cat...

dla said...

Yeah i think the fire was started because of some ciggies lying about n some alcohol too...don't know yet..the uni won't tell us anything yet.....