Monday, June 20, 2005


heard something funny today...Chui Phin said I'm such an open minded person and like to see the Positive side of things (hey...I'm quoting's not like I'm lifting my own basket)...hehehe...well couldn't really tell her that I have this deep dark secret now could I....but of course I won't tell you guys...hehehe(and that remind me of someone else)...and because of this secret, I tried to see all thing positive...I mean why wollow on the muds and holes when you can fly...why put on a face that everyone would hate,when you can make ppl around you smile...I don't mean that I would do anything if anybody ask me to make them happy...just that I wouldn't mind doing something that make me happy n others around me feel great...and not for their benefit alone...I really don't like ppl around me making fuss and feel bad about themselves...I mean you can do that..but don't do it in front of everyone...cos then the ppl around you going to get sucked down with that negative feeling...I don't know it feel like a sin to me to pull someone that is in a high pedestal down to your standard just because you feel forgive me if I ran away from ppl like that...not that I really care if they are my friends...coz if I ran away..then who could cheer them up...right????

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