Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Dah abis dah...

YEA!!!..I'm so happy..I finally finish my exam...I had to resit for my organic chem paper today...finally it's finish and I can enjoy this leisure time with my friends...the test went pretty well except that the lecturer did walked alot..i mean can't they just sit down....hehehehe....went out with Hir, Lyn and Sarah...first we went to eat at Dombita (just the ussual bread and crab salad) then off to Rinak to find dresses for Hir....then didn't found any that she off we went to Linia....(it's sort of like Carefour back in Malaysia...Ahhh...civilization again....

movie marathon...I think I'm going to make myself dummer being like this....

OK this is crap..I just deleted like a whole paragraph...ARHHH!!! and I'm not in the mood to re do it again..just because I go along as I typed.....Blogger should have the "undo" ppl who made stupid mistake like me can correct ourselves...[such fun to have those button in the real world...then we can undo all our mistakes...but without doing those mistakes...are we the same individual that we are now...hmmmm...]

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