Friday, July 15, 2005

New Cuz...

Faris my second younger bro got back from his boarding school for today....and on the way back we went to GIANT to get my mom her soda and juice I met up with my uncle(Man Umar) and his wife(Aunty Ina) wirth their new child (Amir)...he looked so cute...Man Umar was quite surprised to see me..he thought I wouldn't be back for a long time...then we had a little chat and he invited me to his new house..and I said I would come by at bought our grocery and got back to order Domino's Pizza(YUM!!)

If I keep eating like this I will surely be like a ballon soon...just have to wait till dis sunday..till I meet my x-classmate from Jasin...can't wait to meet them...anyway...when in Man Umar's house (he moved to this apartment lot) he served me first MILO in Msia..YUM...we were talking at the same time trying to watch Malaysian Idol (eyes rolling) and me trying to play with Amir...he's so cute...he looked more like Aunty Ina then Man Umar..but then he said not...Amir was real sweet to me..he was playing the shy child..and giving this oh so cute smile..the only thing missing was a blush...and his parents were like "aaa..mula la tu start dah act mengada2 dia tu"..and I was like..he isn't ussualy like this??..they said he ussualy had mood swing...I said he must have got it from my side of the family then...

Man Umar also introduce me to this auction site => it's sort of like an ebay..but Malaysian style...I'm trying to change my phone...I'm looking for a Motorola V3....if worse come to worse I just by this Nokia phone..3series I think..I'm not I'll check this site out first then I'll get back to you guys..CIAO

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