Wednesday, July 27, 2005


I'm bored, "baby-sitting"ing my lil sis and house-sitting too....well not much life around me nowadays....went to clear my passport problem...interogation and all...and they said "we'll get back to you in 3 weeks..and then we'll tell you wether you can get a new passport or not" 'bout that...and I had to wait for 2 hours for that..stupid birocratsy(sp??)

I tried calling Sarah today and found out that she was out of town..literally...she is having the time of her life in Bali right now...WAAA!!! I'm bored and sitting at home and she went to matter..I'll just hope that my family holiday planning will get through (cross finger)..Ohhh...and Ain called me today..acttualy I called her first..then I said I call her later at night cos if I kept on talking my parents gonna kill me since I was using my home phone...then Ain dicided to call we end up talking quite long about everything under the sun...can't wait for her to get here...Ain...cepat la turun KL...jom kite jln2 sampai kite dua-dua cramp kaki...hehehhe...both wanted to go oout..but both don't have the stamina to walk a lot...

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