Friday, July 08, 2005

Here I come!!!

I'm coming home...I'm coming home..I'll be back in Malaysia in about 48 hours..YEA!!!!We're taking the Mashrut(a kinda long van) to the airport in Moscow..then we'll be flying with Qatar Airline (not going with this airline next year)..then a 13hours (GROAN!!) transit in Doha...and I will arrive in HOT Malaysia on the 11th of July 2005 at 1 a.m...hahahaha...pitty those who are going to pick me up..and it's a Monday morning to boot...hehehehe...but I can't wait....Yea!!!making sandwiches for the trip to Moscow (8 hours maaa...gerenti laparnye) now.....Sarah will be staying alone for about 24 hours...then she'll be leaving too..Don't worry girl..see you in KL rite???Go and kaco your brother when you get bored k......

MALAYSIA...HERE I COME ~xoxoxoxoxoxoxox~

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