Saturday, June 25, 2005


You are a Toad - croak! Meaning you are a
fairly, normal person (well,if you can all
anyone normal - that is.) You are mostly a
happy person, getting on with your life with
only a few croaks and moans along the way. You
are also a very, practical person and probably
quite a hard worker. You enjoy the simple
things in life like the company of your
friends, going shopping or to the cinema,
reading a good book and being with your family
or loved one.

Your good points are that you
are even tempered, fairly happy go lucky and a
good friend to have around. Your bad points are
that you sometimes lack the drive to succeed,
being happy with what you already have. Which,
really isn't such a bad point at all.

content with your life, you are a happy,
well-rounded person.

Are you a Princess, Enchantress, Faerie, Mermaid or Toad? (with pictures!)
brought to you by Quizilla


Anonymous said...

hahaha aku enchantress!

dla said...

eleh...aku tau la...atleast aku normal ape..hehhee

Anonymous said...

the difference between us two is u dont mind being normal; i dont want to be normal.