Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Long Distance Call and zZzZzZz

I am so sleepy...I need to study bio...but I can't seem to stay awake...guess have to wake up early (where have I heard that before)..Help anyone??who got variants??Kong does..but he haven't sent mine yet...haiya...bistra Konga....ahaks

Made some long distance call back home...miss my family so much...such confort in knowing that I don't have to remind them about my birthday..but then have to thanks Ika for reminding Ayah...ahaks...get to talk to my uncles..miss them coz they manja me so much...and one of them is getting married and I'm not gonna be there...AGAIN...this is what happen to people who stayed in hostels their entire teen years...broke down when I talked to my grandma...she is the one I trully missed..all those small thing she did...she's recovering from internal bledding now...hope you're doing great Nenek...Got a lot of lecturing from Ayah on how I should grow up and take more responsibility for myself..bla..bla..bla....basically all those things parents talked about...but he did say he misses u know Ayah...Also got time to talk to usuall...all the same syarahan.... I do think that my parents didn't change notes before talking to me....cause they keep repeating the same thing...No what birthday present I want from them right in my account..or a ticket back to Malaysia....bestnye....

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