Saturday, April 16, 2005

Moscow and Back again!!!

The trip to Moscow was very tiring...but the mission was accomplished...welll..almost neway...I did got my temp pass port but then the valid date is only untill 14th April...and guess when's my flight back to Malaysia is???yup...later than that...My flight back is on the 17th April....Stupid rite....So I have to go back to Moscow on May to renew it again...bit no worries..since by that time the spring SALE is already I'll probably go shopping also...YEA!!! I'm so tired....I didn't got a wink of sleep during the ride back to Kursk...the Cabin was bloody HOT...Thanks goddness my Organic Chem lecturer didn't mind I skip class...(I asked her permission ok...) Slept for awile then went down and eat with Fadzil n Raziz...then went to Padfak and played my SIM2 at Ain's new comp...Tanks girl....Need more sleep...CIAO!!!

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