Sunday, April 10, 2005


Hmmm...what on earth was I thinking when I created this monster....maybe I was high on something...neway this is what happen when your friends influence their blogging to I have a blog and I don't know what to do with it....I really do need help in establishing my new blog (hahaha..feel funny..I have my own blog)...I was one of those ppl who was saying I will never do this blogging stuff...don't this ppl have anything better to do...bla..bla..bla...HAH!! now look what happen...
neway this will be a good thing for my friends back in MALAYSIA..yeah..yeah..I know you guys miss me guys been bugging me to tell you how my life over here feels like rite??so here it's out in the open..Not all anyway...I thinks thats enough for my 1st blog entry...see you guys later then...

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