Friday, April 22, 2005

Rats and fishy smell

I dunno why this week have been my laziest and unfortunate week as yet.....Yesterday I was forced to go to Physic class by my Russian teacher (Anastasia) literally ...I was ascorted to the class by her...URGHHH...I hate being force to do something I don't like...and I really DON'T LIKE Physic...stupid subject...
And today is worsed.....My lan wire was cut....I dunno who done it....Something smell very fishy...coz the wire was cut by knife...that I am really sure...One don't need to be a CSI (miss that show so much) agent to know it....but then I guess if there was a RAT that is so big that it can swallow up almost 20cm of wire and spit it out back again...then it might not be someone's doing....Yeah right!!!!
I wasn't in my room last night...make that almost the whole day...I went to sleep at Padfak with the excuse to study Anat...HAH...but I did study Biophysic (got 4- on the test..YEA!!!)....for that achievment I would like to thanks Sarah for lending her desk and iMac....and Ain for playing the SIM2...if not I wouldn't have study...Thanks gurls....

p.s://who know a good detective???I need to investigate a mystery....

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