Tuesday, April 12, 2005


THANK GOD!!!! My passport was stolen from me when I got back from Moscow on my winter hols.... When i was in the taxi heading back to my hostel, I saw that my handbag was half-open...when I reached back at PADFAK (my friends hostel...I was staying there for the whole entire hols) I searched thru my stuff n notice it was gone...I wasn't going to panic coz i don't want the hassle n all those stuff...neway a few weeks back I needed to use my passport number to change my flight ticket...that was when I started panicking...so I went up and down the visa department to seetle this...I had to go to the Police Station to make my report...then go back to the Visa Department...n coz my schedule was so packed I only got the time to go back today..(I submited my report on the 8th of April)..then I have to go to my Vice-Dean to get his permission so I can go to Moscow...But the STUPID V-D asked me to go to the International Department first coz he don't know what to do...So I went there..N lo' n behold...I was asked to get the signature from my V-D..Like I said STUPID ...But finally I got my permision...If not....GRRRRR....

Moving on to better news...I talked to the Malaysian Embassy ppl just after that...My God..what a treat...just to speak Malay to another Malaysian...and then giving Salam...before n after talking on the phone...WAAAAA!!!...I miss Malaysia so much....Wanna go home...neway the guy there..Encik Saiful...was really nice....cara dia cakap cam my dad...isk..isk...homesick la plak...he was being so friendly...but then he is a diplomat...if you're not diplomatic what's the point rite??? and 1 more thing...he even proposed a business deal with me concerning flight ticket...hahahaha..how much fun is that...so I'll be going to Moscow this Friday...There seem to be a little problem concerning the trip...tell you guys later...

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