Monday, April 11, 2005

Rough week ahead

Its gonna be a LONG...LONG week up ahead...I'll have three..yes THREE major control this coming week...and it start from Monday (General Chemistry), Tuesday (Histology) and Wednesday (Anatomy)...see..I'm gonna DIE...
Lets just hope that Anatomy will get postponed (crosses finger)...and I don't think I'll be doing my Chem just yet since I have to take one more test...and for Histo..lets just hope I understand all thos confusing terms (thank god for Latin)...That's another thing...Tuesday is jamed pack with other subject...Latin, Math, Lecture, then the end of the day..I feel so damned tired I just wanna sleep...

Sarah having some probs with a stalker to her know when your famous wen someone is out stalking you...Chill rite almost know who that person is rite??don't worry..he won't be bothering you no more...since you got your faithfull dog at your heals..WOOF..WOOF...

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