Saturday, April 30, 2005

Submarine and Church!!

Today during Russian Class in Padfak, Anactasia (our teacher) suggest we have an excursion to the memorial and church nearby as tomorrow (1st of May) will be the Easter celebration for Chrisrian we went...we were glad to have any excuses to get out of class anyway....we went to the memorial that they built to remember all th losses they had during WWII....since Kursk is one of the infamous war site....and they had this fire thingy going is said that the fire was never put out...and every state in Russia have one...when we were there we saw this memorial thingy with an anchor we asked Anactasia what is that memorial for...The memorial was for the submarine "Kursk" was so sad...since there is this one tomb where the sailor was only 19 years old when he died...I felt so thankful that I can live till this day...It made you feel really mortal after that...and we went to see all the graves with some pictures on them...they really honoured their can see the differents between a soldier's grave and that of the normal civilliant's...

Then we went inside the church..there was a long line of people queing to get inside the church and have a chance to kiss the potrait of the saints...our group just walked in and looked inside...the church was kinda crowded...and its under construction of some kind...scafolding was we didn't spend a lot of time inside...but the artisity of the place was phenomenol....there were a lot of pictures of Saints and Jesus around...not to mention the angel and everything...but it feels kinda weird...cause there's no pews or anything...there's just this wall where a picture and cross were hung and there was places where you can put your candles...

when we went outside on each side of the street of the church people were queing and putting cakes and eggs on benches...Anactasia told us that a Priest will come and blessed the cake with holly water..and the cakes can obly be eaten on Easter day...The russians had been fasting (that is they can't eat dairy products and meat) for a whole week before they gonna have a BIG feast afterwards....after being blessed by the priest..the people will give eggs to the is said that the church will give this eggs to the was really fun to have been uncluded in their culture...

Tini and Fadzil are cooking for my dinner tonight...YUMMY!!! ayam masak!!!

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