Saturday, April 23, 2005

Maya Simya....

When browsing thru friendster just now and came up to my lil bro page....My..My...How he had grew....Suddenly there's a different side of him that I saw for a first time...He had always been the matured sibling...Responsible..Good...All those stuff...He really had grown in a way I can't describe....I miss seeing him changed....I missed a lot!!!

Suddenly I was hit by a pang of homesick...ME??Dla...who had lived a hostel life for 6 years???Guess I am still human...What do you expect when you seperated them from their family???But then...I'll be a lot luckier than my peirs in the UK or what not...since they can come back to Malaysia not as often as I can...It's not often la...I get only to come back only once a year....I so miss Ieki...he must be getting cuter...and running his mouth all over the place...hahahaha...I do need time to reminance on all the time I wished my family would leave me more!!! No worries...tomorrow Dad will be home...and I promise to can't wait to hear you guys MUAKSSSSS

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